When you hit that last week before your move, you’re basically drowning in a sea of cardboard. In fact, you may even be smelling like cardboard at this point.
And the worst feeling when you get done with all that work is to realize that most of your boxes are labeled either incorrectly or not at all! It’s hard to remember to grab that Sharpie when you’re mid-pack. And the odds of someone reading your handwriting may not be in your favor.
So we found something pretty cool we wanted to pass along…
We found these Moving Box Labels on Amazon.
Using these will automatically color code and label each box, making it easier on moving day. If you want to be even more awesomely-prepared, adhere one of these labels to the door frames of your new home for the movers to see where to put everything! (Psst – you may want to just tape them to the door handle or on the carpet / floor versus adhere them directly to a wall or door frame. You don’t want to peel any paint off!)
We wish you happy packing!